Que droga...
Consultando os gráficos constantes do site especializado das Nações Unidas, um observador mais apressado seria levado a concluir que a reposição dos níveis de produção de ópio teria sido o principal motivo para a invasão americana do Afeganistão:
«In 2001, following the ban imposed by the former Taliban regime, an abrupt decline of illicit opium poppy cultivation interrupted a two-decade increase. It also stimulated a subsequent 10-fold increase in opium prices. After the fall of that regime, cultivation resumed at a high level in 2002 and started to spread outside the traditional areas. Although a new ban was issued in January 2002, poor compliance with the law has so far hindered efforts by the new government to curb opium cultivation – an activity further stimulated by its high revenue.»
Contributo para o pingue-pongue entre o Barnabé e o Mar Salgado.
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